Safety First: Ensuring Safe Operations Of Your RT Crane In Daily Uses

18 5 月, 2023

In daily operations, you should ensure that your RT crane is operated safely. This means having the right safety measures in place to protect workers from accidents and injuries.

This blog will introduce you to some hidden dangers in lifting operations and how to avoid them. Finally, we will introduce you to some high-quality lifting equipment to help you complete lifting operations better. 

What Is A RT Crane?

Before understanding what an RT crane is, let’s first understand the places where lifting operations are usually required.

What terrains are difficult for ordinary cranes to work on?

In the construction and industrial sectors, cranes are often required to perform lifting operations on various terrains. While ordinary cranes are suitable for stable and level surfaces, they face challenges when working on the following difficult terrains:

  •  Soft or Unstable Ground:

Areas with soft soil, mud, or sand pose challenges for ordinary cranes. The ground may not provide sufficient support for the crane’s outriggers or tires, increasing the risk of the crane sinking or tipping over.

  •  Hilly or Sloped Terrain:

Steep inclines or slopes make it challenging for regular cranes to operate safely. The uneven ground and potential for instability pose risks to both the crane’s stability and the safety of the lifting operation.

  •  Unpaved or Gravel Surfaces:

Cranes designed for paved surfaces may struggle on unpaved or gravel surfaces due to reduced traction. The lack of grip can compromise the crane’s stability and maneuverability, making it challenging to perform lifting operations safely.

Defying gravity, RT Crane lifts where others can’t:

A rough-terrain (RT) crane is a type of mobile crane specifically designed for off-road operations and rough terrains. Unlike other cranes that are typically used on stable surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, an RT crane is built to navigate and operate on uneven, unpaved, or challenging terrains.

It is equipped with large, robust tires, sturdy outriggers for stability, and a compact design that allows it to maneuver through tight spaces.

  •  Applications of the RT crane:

RT cranes are commonly used in construction, oil and gas, and industrial projects where the work environment may involve rough terrains, undeveloped sites, or remote locations.

They are versatile machines that can lift and move heavy loads with precision and efficiency, making them an essential asset in various applications.

The Importance Of Safe Operations Of The RT Crane In Daily Uses:

Accidents and incidents resulting from improper operation or low-quality RT Cranes can have severe consequences, ranging from injuries to fatalities, property damage, and project delays. It is essential to prioritize safe operations and invest in high-quality RT Cranes to mitigate risks and ensure a secure working environment.

The following paragraphs highlight the potential accidents and emphasize the significance of safe and high-quality RT crane operations.

Avoiding Accidents: Preventing Mishaps and Injuries

Improper operation of an RT crane can lead to a range of accidents, including:

a) Load Drops:

If the crane’s lifting capacity is exceeded or the load is improperly secured, there is a risk of load drops, resulting in injuries to personnel or property damage.

b) Tipping or Overturning:

Operating an RT crane on the uneven or unstable ground without utilizing outriggers or stabilizing measures can lead to tipping or overturning, endangering both the operator and surrounding personnel.

c) Contact with Power Lines:

Failure to maintain a safe distance from overhead power lines poses a severe risk of electrocution for the operator and can cause power outages or fires.

Tips For Better Operating Your RT Crane:

Crane operators are responsible for the safe operation of cranes and hoists. They must be able to load and unload materials, as well as operate the equipment. They work in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, and shipyards.

Here are some tips for better operating your RT Crane:

Know Your Crane’s Limit

The first thing to do when operating a crane is to know what its limit is. This includes knowing how much weight it can lift and how far it can travel horizontally. It’s also important to know what kind of container it uses for lifting materials. The container should be compatible with the load being lifted.

Establish Proper Communication

Effective communication is vital during crane operations. Establish clear signals between the operator and the ground personnel to ensure seamless coordination. Implement a standardized set of hand signals or use two-way radios to convey instructions, warnings, and any emergencies.

Establish Exclusion Zones

Creating exclusion zones is a crucial safety measure to prevent accidents and protect personnel working near the crane. Identify and mark these zones clearly to restrict unauthorized personnel from entering hazardous areas. Ensure that workers are aware of these exclusion zones and understand the associated risks.

A High-Quality RT Crane Is Of Important For Safer Uses:

It is a good idea to invest in high-quality equipment that will last longer and provide better performance. This will help you avoid future problems as well as ensure a safer working environment for your employees.

Here are the safety attributes that an 80t lifting capacity RT crane from XJCM can bring:

RT crane

Enhanced Mobility and Performance

The RT 80 crane, produced by XJCM, exemplifies the attributes of a high-quality crane that promotes safer operations. With excellent trafficability, dynamic performance, and mobility, this crane can operate in every direction and travel while hoisting without outriggers.

The front-wheel steering, four-wheel steering, crab steering, and all-wheel drive capabilities make it suitable for off-road travel, ensuring enhanced maneuverability and adaptability to various terrains.

Reliable Axle, Gearbox, and Brake Systems

The RT 80 crane is equipped with reliable components to ensure safe and efficient operation. The adoption of Germany’s KESSLER brand axles, along with the axle differential lock, provides stability and traction during crane movements.

The ZF brand gearbox contributes to the smooth and precise transmission of power. Additionally, the American Mico brand brake system offers reliable braking performance, enhancing overall safety during lifting operations.

Improved Operator Control and Safety Awareness

The inclusion of advanced features such as a torque limiter, swing table lock device, and gradienter enables operators to have better control over the crane’s movements, reducing the risk of accidents caused by instability or imbalance.

These safety features promote heightened operator vigilance and awareness, contributing to safer and more efficient crane operations. 

Final words:

From enhanced mobility and reliable components to comprehensive safety features and improved operator control, these cranes promote safety, efficiency, and reliability in lifting operations.

Investing in a high-quality RT crane is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of personnel involved in construction projects. 

Need Any Cranes Solution?

If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a customized order, Please feel free to contact us.

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